jueves, 10 de octubre de 2013

Rita Indiana

I will write again about music. In the last days I'm been listening to Rita Indiana.
Rita is a writer, singer and performance artist. Rita lives in Puerto Rico but in New York to, this combination of nation (american and caribbean) is a mirror of her work. I love her music because she reflect the problem of the identity, she song in spanish but in english to. But the music that she make is always like an alternative merengue, she and her band 'Los Misterios' are creating music using the sound of traditional merengue with a mix of alternative rock and electronic music. I love the music of Rita because she show us her life, what she lived when she was a child, she sing about her family in USA. Rita and her music is a result of that mix, but she prefer to stay in Puerto Rico, that's why she stay in merengue style. When I listen her music I can imagine how is living in Puerto Rico, and the life in the street, the way the people speek, Rita sing about Facebook, but she call it 'Feisbú', or she use word like 'Esqueibol' (Skateboard), and she also created a new words with no meaning, just words to express some emotions. Her music, her performances and also the body are so powerful, that the people call her 'La Montra' (Dominican slang for 'The Monster'). She also don't forget her descent, that's why her record label is the same that produce some reggeaton artist. I love the secong song 'Pasame a Buca' ('Pick me up') of her album 'El Juidero'. In this song she sing about how is like a caribbean work and live in USA, she sing about the hard work after cross the country, but she always sing that she wants to celebrate, take some drinks and have fun because she don't die trying to cross to USA.

If you want to listen the song just click here.

1 comentario:

  1. I do not know much about music, but is super weird but I liked his music, again let me hear something I did not know but I loved it
