jueves, 29 de agosto de 2013

Kidkanevil & Daisuke Tanabe

Yesterday I read my horoscope and it's says that in my free time I should spend listening to music, thing that I do every day, but today I choose more carefully what to listening. This week have been very stressful so I decide to listening something to be more relax and that's a new band that I knew; Kidkanevil & Daisuke Tanabe, two DJs, first from England and the second one from Japan. This pair joined to create a new album called 'Kidsuke' in November 2012. I really love this album from the first time a listening, because of the combination of that two worlds (english and japan), the combination of many weird sound. Other thing that I love about this album it's that it seems that it was made in a toy factory, you can hear child voice, sounds of a video game, little sound of bells. I recommend this album because is like an explosion of imagination, it's maybe the sound of our dreams mixed with the sound of big cites like Tokyo for example (we can hear the sound of the public transport). Stop for a minute and enjoy this music, for that it was made for, and remember that we were all young one day when everything was simple, so breathe and don't be that stressful. Just click here.

lunes, 26 de agosto de 2013

My ideal job

Is really difficult to think about an ideal job because I dont proyect my self working in just one thing and making the same thing every day. But I think in three things; illustration, permaculture and friends. I really think that me ideal job have to combine this three thing but I just don't know how, and there is the difficult of this job, be creative and curious, I want a job where I can lear new things every day and never be bored. I think working on the ground with friends and more people creating a cooperative, actually that is not that difficult, you just need some ground, the difficult is to be organized and working with more people.
I really like the silence and to be alone too, so I need an other job for my self and that is to illustrate my own ideas or from others, making the illustrations for books or just create my own storys and make the illustrations for that.

First semester 2013

The first semester of this year is wasn't to great. The classes from university were too tedious, maybe because is my last year of theatre design and I just want to leave the university, but I really think that I learn that much, except for two classes; history of latinoamerican theater and "Taller" where we made a short film. In both classes I learn a lote, first one of theory of colonialism, and the second one I lear in the practice how to work with other partners and with two actores making a real short film in just 4 days.
But out side the university I really enjoy it, I take some courses of illustration with two illustrators from 'Plop!', in 3 months I lear about illustration, meet new people and draw a lot, thing that I love to do it.
An other thing that I really love to do it this first semester was swim, I went every monday and wednesday to the swiming pool from university, actually I compete two times in the semestre it was really exciting.

jueves, 22 de agosto de 2013


Is too difficult to choose just one place to go, but if I think in one place it should have sea. Thats why I choose to visit and live in the big archipelago of Indonesia. I always wan't to live near to see, is too calm and scared at the same time, when a was a kid I love to stay into the water all day and have lunch in the sand, indonesia have more than 17.000 island so I can do that every day in every island. I know that indonesia is the most populous country, I hate big countries so I wan't live in the capital city but i can choose just a little island to live in middle of nowhere and be fine. I love the landscape of indonesia because is a mix of what I love; sea, mountains and have the world's second highest level of biodiversity, with an abundant natural resources to survive just working in the ground. 
I also know that indonesia is an Islamic country, I don't follow any religion but the good thing is that they don't eat meet and me neither so that's a plus, the food is too important to me. 
I love to go there and live in a small house, in front of the sea, lear more languages, lear snorkel and just work in the ground and sell organic product from my yard in a local market.