The first
semester of this year is wasn't to great. The classes from university were too tedious,
maybe because is my last year of theatre design and I just want to leave the
university, but I really think that I learn that much, except for two classes;
history of latinoamerican theater and "Taller" where we made a short
film. In both classes I learn a lote, first one of theory of colonialism, and
the second one I lear in the practice how to work with other partners and with
two actores making a real short film in just 4 days.
But out side the
university I really enjoy it, I take some courses of illustration with two
illustrators from 'Plop!', in 3 months I lear about illustration, meet new
people and draw a lot, thing that I love to do it.
An other thing that I really love to do it this
first semester was swim, I went every monday and wednesday to the swiming pool
from university, actually I compete two times in the semestre it was really
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